These Are the Everyday Habits Secretly Aging You There's nothing that can be done in order to try to halt the effects of aging. However, the rate of our aging can be controlled and adjusted by exercising power through the influence of every daily habit we make. As the years pass, most people claim the body ages, but in many ways, one can argue that the decisions we make regarding our everyday routines are a way of speeding up the effects of aging on our bodies. From the food we consume to the mental wellness practices, a multitude of supposed harmless things contributes to the early aging and impacts our skin, health, and overall energy. So, identifying them is the start of taking back the appearance of a more youthful look and healthier living. Poor Food Choices The foods we eat contribute largely to the aging process. A diet rich in processed foods, sugars, and unhealthy fats leads to inflammation, weight gain, and cellular damage. Refined sugars and unhealthy fats fill the body...